How quickly will my product be shipped once I place my order?
Our commitment is to ship all orders with destination in the U.S. or Canada placed by 4:30 pm E.S.T. “same day”. International orders may also be shipped “same day” depending on total quantities required and product availability.
Will Shamrock prepay the freight on my order?
All standard orders with a minimum invoice value for your region will be shipped prepaid, excluding equipment. Contact us for details.
Why is it that occasionally my shipment by FedEx or UPS doesn’t all arrive at the same time?
FedEx & UPS work to deliver all packages at the same time but occasionally boxes get separated at a sorting terminal resulting in delivery at different times or days. If you believe this has happened with your order you are welcome to contact us for tracking.
Does Shamrock have a quality control program for the products it sells?
Random samples are conducted on many of the products to to ensure compliance with product specifications, manufacturing quality guidelines and/or ISO regulations. Further, all envelopes and sealing rings are hand inspected during our end manufacturing and assembly prior to shipping. In addition to our inspection processes we also run ongoing field tests to help ensure consistent product performance across manufacturing runs.
What happens if I do have a product problem?
All our products have a warranty against premature failure due to material and workmanship in the form of an adjustment. Our quality control helps ensure minimal adjustments. But should an adjustment arise we approach it as an opportunity to work together with our customer to problem solve, identify the cause and take steps for corrective actions in order to prevent the problem in the future. Contact us to learn more about our hassle free adjustment procedure.
Does Shamrock Marketing accept credit cards as a mode of payment?
Yes, we currently accept Visa & Mastercard. Orders can be prepaid or credit may be established by filling out our credit application. Click here to get a copy of our credit application.
What do the number descriptions mean on your envelope sizes?
Our envelope size description is made up of 3 parts:
- The Outside Diameter (O.D.) or tire height in inches.
- The Inside Diameter (I.D.) or center hole diameter in inches.
- The “Bead to Bead” (B.B.) or sealing point to sealing point in inches. (measured from side A sealing point, up the sidewall, over top of the tread and down the other sidewall to sealing point B).
Sizes read O.D. x I.D. x B.B. (For example; a 42x15x34 means the envelope has a 42″ Outside Diameter, 15″ Inside Diameter and 34″ Bead to Bead. Typically we drop the I.D. when talking about sizes and reference an envelope as a 42×34 (O.D. x B.B) only.)
Do you offer short skirt envelopes?
Yes, we offer envelopes for all retread system applications.
What is the “Wizard” wicking disc and how does it work with my valve set-up?
The “Wizard” is a 4″ plastic wicking disc that fits on the base of the brass valve assembly in your envelope. The wicking disc has large air channels that provide additional wicking capability to the valve / coupler assembly resulting in a more efficient vacuum and proper pressure.