Bulldog Outer Envelope Systems

• Precision cross-section gauge creates even pressure transfer and contributes to an excellent-looking, finished tire.
• Large base Fat Boy Valve installed with Loctite
• Envelopes are prelubed
• Jhook  indicator stripes for valve placement
• Color coded by size

What do the number descriptions mean on your envelope sizes?

Our envelope size description is made up of 3 parts:

  1. The Outside Diameter (O.D.) or tire height in inches.
  2. The Inside Diameter (I.D.) or center hole diameter in inches.
  3. The “Bead to Bead” (B.B.) or sealing point to sealing point in inches. (measured from side A sealing point, up the sidewall, over top of the tread and down the other sidewall to sealing point B).

Sizes read O.D. x I.D. x B.B. (For example; a 42x15x34 means the envelope has a 42″ Outside Diameter, 15″ Inside Diameter and 34″ Bead to Bead. Typically we drop the I.D. when talking about sizes and reference an envelope as a 42×34 (O.D. x B.B) only.)

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