• Precision cross-section gauge creates even pressure transfer and contributes to an excellent-looking, finished tire.
• Large base Fat Boy Valve installed with Loctite
• Envelopes are prelubed
• Jhook indicator stripes for valve placement
• Color coded by size
What do the number descriptions mean on your envelope sizes?
Our envelope size description is made up of 3 parts:
- The Outside Diameter (O.D.) or tire height in inches.
- The Inside Diameter (I.D.) or center hole diameter in inches.
- The “Bead to Bead” (B.B.) or sealing point to sealing point in inches. (measured from side A sealing point, up the sidewall, over top of the tread and down the other sidewall to sealing point B).
Sizes read O.D. x I.D. x B.B. (For example; a 42x15x34 means the envelope has a 42″ Outside Diameter, 15″ Inside Diameter and 34″ Bead to Bead. Typically we drop the I.D. when talking about sizes and reference an envelope as a 42×34 (O.D. x B.B) only.)